Étiquette : ANGLAIS

Option LCE anglais : Les 3e explorent l’histoire de Rosa Parks dans l’adaptation théâtrale « Tired of giving in ».

Ce vendredi 9 février, les élèves de 3e en option LCE anglais ont assisté avec leur assistante américaine à une adaptation théâtrale en anglais de la vie de Rosa Parks, proposée par une compagnie anglophone. Pendant 1h30, la même troupe que celle du spectacle sur Mandela a interprété et chanté la vie remarquable de Rosa Parks. Nos élèves ont pu

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Video (cycle 3) – Rosa Parks (1913-2005, USA)

Un épisode de l’émission “Quelle histoire!” sur TV5 Monde (FR) qui vous présente la vie de Rosa Parks, ‘la mère du mouvement des des droits civiques’ et comment son refus de changer de siège a modifié l’histoire des USA pour toujours. Soyez curieux, rendez-vous sur la chaîne de l’émission pour découvrir les portraits d’autres artisans de la paix.

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One month, one sculpture : Rosa Parks Memorial

There are more than 10 Rosa Parks memorials in the United States. The statue, by artist Jay Warren, depicts Parks sitting on a bus seat, with the inscription, “You must never be fearful of what you are doing when it is right.” The statue is a reminder for all of the children and grandchildren who continue to benefit from the

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Option LCE anglais : Les 3e assistent au spectacle « Prisoner 46664- Nelson Mandela »

Ce mercredi 7 février, les élèves de 3e en option LCE anglais ont assisté avec leur assistante américaine à une adaptation théâtrale en anglais de la vie de Nelson Mandela, proposée par une compagnie de théâtre anglophone. Pendant 1h30, les comédiens originaires d’Afrique du Sud, de Nouvelle-Zélande et du Togo ont retracé les grandes étapes de la vie de Mandela.

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Monday quote by Mandela (1918-2013) – Video

Did you know Nelson Mandela’s true name is Rolihlahla Mandela? Born into the Madiba clan in the Eastern Cape, on 18 July 1918, Mandela’s primary school teacher decided to give him the name « Nelson », in keeping with the custom of giving all schoolchildren British names, thus denying their true African culture. Watch this narrated version of Mandela’s story to discover

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One month, one painting : February and Black History Month in the US

Imagine that you are six years old and it’s your first day in a new school. You are wearing a special outfit. (…) Official-looking men in suits are there to escort you to the building. A wild, screaming crowd is gathered outside. Could it be a parade? Your teacher greets you warmly, but where are your classmates? Why are you

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Video – Carter G. Woodson, the man behind Black History Month

« In February 1926, Carter G. Woodson sent out a press release announcing the first African American History Week. He chose February because the month contained the birthdays of both Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, two prominent men whose historic achievements African Americans already celebrated. (Lincoln’s birthday was February 12; Douglass, who was formerly enslaved, hadn’t known his actual birthday, but

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Video – Yolanda Renee King, MLK’s 15-year-old granddaughter, is ready to pursue her grandfather’s dream

Yolanda Renee King, the only grandchild of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, reflects on her family’s legacy in her first children’s book, « We Dream a World. » Yolanda Renee never got the chance to meet her grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., assassinated in 1968. However, she is one of the countless activists inspired by his actions.

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One month, one sculpture : « The Embrace », a striking MLK’s memorial to capture the feeling of Love

Located in the oldest public park in the US, The Embrace is a 20-foot-tall monument in Boston by artist Hank Willis Thomas, two sets of bronze arms forever locked in a hug, representing Coretta Scott King and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., captured during an intimate moment in 1964 when Dr. King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

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Monday quote : « I have a dream… » (video)

Watch Martin Luther King Jr. deliver his powerful and historic “I Have a Dream” speech during the March on Washington in 1963.   This speech, symbolizing the fight for equality and justice, resonates with the aspirations of millions for a society free from discrimination and segregation. King’s eloquent words and compelling vision continue to inspire the quest for civil rights

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