Des articles chaque semaine pour découvrir, partager et célébrer les langues vivantes étrangères.

Ev@lang en anglais pour les classes de 3e : calendrier et modalités

  Le test numérique ev@lang se déroulera entre entre le 18 et le 25 mars pour les classes de 3e. Pensez à vous munir d’écouteurs pour la partie compréhension orale. Calendrier et modalités 18/03: Passation pour les classes 31, 33 et 35 21/03: Passation pour les 34 25/03: Passation pour les 32 Ev@lang est le test de positionnement réalisé en

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Sanremo 2025: Ascolta e vota le canzoni! 🇮🇹

https://www.enroute-eurovision.fr/actualites/%F0%9F%87%AE%F0%9F%87%B9-italie-ecoutez-et-notez-les-29-chansons-du-sanremo-2025/ Sanremo 2025: Ascolta e vota le canzoni! Il Festival di Sanremo 2025 presenta 29 nuove canzoni. Ascolta i brani e vota il tuo preferito! Il vincitore potrà rappresentare l’Italia all’Eurovision. Scopri tutte le canzoni e partecipa alla votazione seguendo il link qui sotto! Ascolta le canzoni e vota! — Sanremo 2025 : Écoutez et votez pour les chansons !

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Holidays are about sharing

Christmas adverts* have a long tradition in the United Kingdom. Some of them can be very funny and creative. Others can be reflective. All of them aim to show a positive message about the importance of sharing and generosity. Check out the following adverts and have fun! Happy school break to everyone! * advert = publicité For educational purposes only!

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The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

In 1989, world leaders made a historic commitment to all children by adopting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The UNCRC is a special agreement made by governments from all around the world to ensure every child, no matter who they are, where they live or what they believe, has rights.  196 countries have agreed on

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Video – Short film – « Are you okay? »

This bystander story is told through the perspective of a 15-year old girl, Raquelle, who witnesses her classmate being bullied. When doing the right thing transforms Raquelle from bystander to victim, she finds herself trapped in the same spiral. At an age when social acceptance weighs heavy and the stress of social media follows you home, Raquelle and her classmate

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Video – Anti-Bullying Week 2024 : Choose respect!

Bullying affects millions of young people. If we challenge it, we can change it. It doesn’t have to be this way! This video was made for the Anti-Bullying Week 2024. Anti–Bullying Week 2024 will take place from Monday 11th – Friday 15th November, with the theme: Choose Respect.

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One month, one painting : « The Protector » by Steven J. Yazzie, Navajo – Diné culture, USA

Steven Yazzie (born 1970) is a Native American artist, who is enrolled in the Navajo Nation and of Laguna Pueblo descent of his father’s side. He is a painter and creates video art and installation environments. Yazzie’s protector in the painting is the rainbow. He explains, “A title for the painting came to me after the completion of the work.

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