Des articles chaque semaine pour découvrir, partager et célébrer les langues vivantes étrangères.

Jeu concours The Big Challenge 2025 : vite, je m’inscris!

Votre professeur d’anglais va distribuer le formulaire d’inscription cette semaine ou au retour des vacances. Soyez réactifs, inscrivez-vous avant le mercredi 11 décembre pour essayer de remporter des lots en plus si notre collège parvient à obtenir 80 inscriptions. N’attendez pas la dernière minute au risque de perdre votre place! Formulaire téléchargeable ci-dessous. Le formulaire est à rendre obligatoirement signé

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Video – Short film – “Are you okay?”

This bystander story is told through the perspective of a 15-year old girl, Raquelle, who witnesses her classmate being bullied. When doing the right thing transforms Raquelle from bystander to victim, she finds herself trapped in the same spiral. At an age when social acceptance weighs heavy and the stress of social media follows you home, Raquelle and her classmate

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One month, one painting : “The Protector” by Steven J. Yazzie, Navajo – Diné culture, USA

Steven Yazzie (born 1970) is a Native American artist, who is enrolled in the Navajo Nation and of Laguna Pueblo descent of his father’s side. He is a painter and creates video art and installation environments. Yazzie’s protector in the painting is the rainbow. He explains, “A title for the painting came to me after the completion of the work.

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Un mois, une œuvre : il mito di Amore e Psiche (scultura + video)

Amore e Psiche è un gruppo scultoreo di Antonio Canova, realizzato tra il 1788 e il 1793 ed è conservato presso il museo del Louvre, a Parigi. “La favola di Amore e Psiche”. (Dal romanzo di Apuleio del II secolo d.C.) Questa storia classica, raccontata attraverso statue e dipinti, narra l’amore tra il dio Amore e la mortale Psiche. Tra

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Better late than never ! Je récupère mon prix du Big Challenge de l’an dernier.

No worries, sans remettre en cause votre destinée, vous pouvez tout de même venir récupérer votre prix du Big challenge 2024 si vous n’avez pas pu participer à la cérémonie en juin. Quelques enveloppes nominatives de la session 2024 attendent encore leurs propriétaires. Pour les récupérer, passez le mardi ou le vendredi à 10h en salle 130. L’enveloppe sera remise

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Video – One poem for peace : “Human Family” by Maya Angelou (EDL 2024)

American poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou ( 1928-2014) recited her poem ‘Human Family’ during the gathering for the United Nations Development Fund for Women’s Achievement Awards in 1996. This beautiful and powerful poem celebrates our diversity, reminding us that we have more in common than not: “We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike!”.

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