Des articles chaque semaine pour découvrir, partager et célébrer les langues vivantes étrangères.
What are you thankful for?
With the help of our language assistant, our 9th grade students talked about Thanksgiving, an American tradition, and all the positive things they were thankful for. What are you thankful for?
Continuer la lectureLet’s talk! What is « Buy Nothing Day »? (key stage 4)
Every year in November, people look for bargains on Black Friday. But did you know that the same day is also Buy Nothing Day? Many of us love to get a bargain, but some feel that events like Black Friday encourage people to buy things that they don’t really need and can’t afford. (…) It is also argued that Black
Continuer la lectureVideo – When is « Black Friday » 2023? And when is « Cyber Monday »?
Watch these videos and learn more about the history of Black Friday and Cyber Monday in 2023.
Continuer la lectureVideos – What is Black Friday?
The day following Thanksgiving, the so-called Black Friday —has become one of the busiest shopping days of the year in the United States. Watch the videos!
Continuer la lectureHow to draw a thankful hand turkey
Les 6e4 et 6e5 vont réaliser une activité avec notre assistante américaine Hannah ce mardi 21 novembre. Il s’agit d’une activité très populaire dans les écoles américaines et canadiennes. Hannah va travailler avec eux sur Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for? Here is a fun way to express how grateful you are!
Continuer la lectureVideo – Electric air taxis could fly in New York City skies as soon as 2025.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams unveiled a plan Monday 13 November to use electric helicopters starting in 2025 to fly people to and from the city’s airports without the use of fossil fuels. “Our investment in this technology, in the use of this technology, is going to allow us to have cleaner skies,” Mr Adams said during a demo
Continuer la lectureThe power of music
Watch how Jon Batiste, a jazzman from Louisiana, transforms Beethoven’s classical music into blues and gospel! Enjoy!
Continuer la lectureOption LCE anglais 5e – Video : in November, explore your feelings with Art !
Here is the video you can watch on Tate Kids. « Sometimes feelings are tricky! We might not know exactly how we feel at times, or what to say to the people around us when we’re going through something a bit difficult and would like them to understand. Luckily, making (or looking at) art is a great way to help us
Continuer la lectureOption LCE anglais 3E- Video : November is Native American Heritage Month
This is America. If you’d like to know more about Native American Heritage Month, here is a detailed video. It is time to celebrate Native Americans and help them gain greater recognition by teaching their history.
Continuer la lectureOption LCE anglais 4e: Focus on gratitude in November and act with kindness!
Here is a free calendar of actions you may take to make the most of November. You can download this month, one poster or the whole calendar if you like 😉 !
Continuer la lectureOne month, one painting – November and Autumn leaves at London’s Tate Modern (video)
Born in 1887, Georgia O’Keeffe was an American artist who painted nature in a way that showed how it made her feel. Georgia knew from the age of 12 that she wanted to be an artist. Watch some children explore Georgia O’Keeffe’s paintings.
Continuer la lectureHappy American Thanksgiving ! Camille is writing to you…
Our language assistant in 2021 contributed to our blog : thank you Camille 🙂 ! « Hello everyone! I’m Camille, your language assistant. Here is everything you need to know about Thanksgiving in the US! »
Continuer la lectureHappy Canadian Thanksgiving!
Canadian Thanksgiving Day falls on the second Monday of October. Canadian Thanksgiving 2023 was on Monday, October 9th. That’s right! Canadian Thanksgiving happens a full month and a half before American Thanksgiving!
Continuer la lectureHappy autumn/fall break :)
Enjoy your school break! Mme Mujic
Continuer la lectureLCE espagnol : un film espagnol à l’Institut Lumière pour tous les élèves
Nos élèves de la LCE espagnol ont eu la chance d’aller à l’Institut Lumière ce lundi 16 octobre pour voir le film CON LA VIDA HICIERON FUEGO, un film de la pionnière et cinéaste espagnole ANA MARISCAL.
Continuer la lectureOption LCE anglais 5e-4e: Les LCE célèbrent la journée mondiale de l’alimentation
The Global World Food Day Ceremony will take place on Monday, 16 October 2023. Les élèves de l’option LCE anglais ont envie de partager avec vous leurs réalisations! Ils publient aujourd’hui leur tout premier magazine en ligne, des recettes de pays anglophones. Enjoy reading 🙂 !
Continuer la lectureOption LCE anglais 4e : Let’s celebrate World Food Day in English, French, Spanish and Italian!
Des activités conçues par l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’agriculture et l’alimentation en français, anglais, espagnol et italien. Food can bring people together!
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