One month, one painting : Sports in Barbados

Sheena Rose (b. 1985) is a visual artist from Barbados whose practice includes painting, drawing, performance art, … Rose’s works, painted with her signature bright colors and featuring retro graphic patterns, deal with issues related to politics, stereotypes, gender, and identity in historical and contemporary contexts, whether she’s painting celebrated athletes or a landscape featuring a vibrant sunset in Barbados.

She describes her works as light and humorous, mimicking classic patterns and colors from the seventies and eighties. Rose’s current series for her exhibition ‘Born of the Sea,’ takes a look at sites, landscapes, and cultural motifs of her home country, Barbados. Her earlier series have explored travel, as well as the world of sports.

During Covid, she took on the challenge of creating a series of paintings within the limitations of the travel restrictions. Using only paints that were locally accessible to her in Barbados, Rose unlocked a sense of imagination and freedom working within a color palette dominated by primary colors.

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ESL teaching – for educational purposes only.

Read more about Sheena Rose and her works ( B2 level) :