À REGARDER! ‘A question A day’ : What is C19?

Connaissez-vous 1jour1question, la série d’info animée diffusée tous les jours sur France 4 ?
Voici a question, a day’,   la version anglaise en vidéo de la série. Enjoy!

Voici le site officiel pour retrouver toutes les vidéos : 1jour1actu en anglais

Today’s video : What is COVID-19?

Video’s transcript:

What is coronavirus or Covid-19?

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses in the shape of a crown.

They are minute microbes that can enter living creatures and make them sick.

In December 2019, a new coronavirus appeared in China. It causes a respiratory disease, called Covid-19.

But why is it so special?

Because Covid-19 is a new disease and highly contagious.

When someone who’s ill coughs or sneezes, they spread small droplets around them.

They can get into the nose, eyes or mouth of people who are close by, and contaminate them!

These droplets can also land on people’s hands and objects.

That’s why you must cough or sneeze into your elbow, wash your hands often, avoid touching your face and stay more than 3 feet from other people.

In just a few months, this new coronavirus has caused a huge epidemic all over the world, including in France.

For most people, especially children, the virus is not dangerous.

But for some grown-ups, especially those who are fragile and elderly, Covid-19 can cause breathing problems and even kill them.

To fight this epidemic, countries take precautions and scientists from all over the world are trying hard to find a vaccine and treatments.